Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction Surgery in Columbus, OH

Though large breasts are sometimes portrayed as an asset by the media, they can also be a source of great discomfort. For this reason, breast reduction surgery (also known as reduction mammoplasty) is one of the most popular body contouring procedures. Breast reduction surgery also has one of the highest rates of patient satisfaction because it can profoundly improve quality of life.

Learn how a Columbus breast reduction surgery can give your figure a boost while eliminating pain and discomfort. Contact us or call (614) 490-7500!

Is Breast Reduction Surgery Right for Me?

quintet of big-breasted young women in sports bras on stationary bicycles

You might benefit from breast reduction surgery if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • Your breasts are causing you physical pain: Large breasts can lead to chronic back and neck pain, in addition to headaches. The weight of large breasts can also cause bra underwires to dig into the skin, resulting in redness, soreness, and irritation.
  • Your breasts are a source of unwanted attention: Large-breasted women are, unfortunately, often subjected to invasions of their personal space in the form of undesired looks or remarks. They also face more professional challenges. Research has shown that people (both men and women) associate large breasts with a lower IQ, even though no actual link between these traits exists. This can make it more difficult for women with this body shape to secure promotions and other opportunities in the workplace.
  • Your breasts are interfering with your lifestyle: Because breast tissue weighs a great deal, women who are heavier on top usually can’t comfortably engage in most forms of cardiovascular exercise. This can deprive them of important health benefits and make it harder for them to maintain their ideal weight. Large breasts also make finding well-fitted fashionable clothes more difficult, which can inhibit a woman’s personal style.
  • You don’t like the way your breasts look: Large breasts are more prone to sagging due to their weight. They also take on an oblong, rather than round, shape. Breast reduction surgery can greatly improve the contours of your breasts, as well as significantly reduce their size.

No matter what your reasons are for seeking a reduction mammoplasty, you’ll find compassionate, understanding care at Zochowski Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. You’ll also be pleased to know that breast reduction surgery that’s performed to ease pain is often covered by medical insurance. Dr. Zochowski accepts several types of medical insurance in order to make breast reduction surgery more accessible to his patients.

Note that to be an eligible candidate for this procedure, you will need to be a nonsmoker. You will also need to be in good overall health. When you come in for a consultation, Dr. Zochowski will carefully review your complete medical history (including any medications or supplements you’re taking) to verify that you can safely have this procedure. Before you have breast reduction surgery, you should also consider your future plans. The best time to have this procedure is when you’re done losing weight (if you’re actively trying to slim down) and finished having children. Post-surgical weight loss and pregnancy could create additional loose skin, impacting the shape of your breasts.

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Want to see real patient results?

Explore all the Breast Reduction cases performed by Dr. Christopher Zochowski in Columbus, Ohio.

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Want to see real patient results?

Explore all the Breast Reduction cases performed by Dr. Christopher Zochowski in Columbus, Ohio.

How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

During breast reduction surgery, an incision is made along the breast and around the nipple. This allows Dr. Zochowski to remove not only excess fat, but skin and glandular tissue as well for an even overall reduction in size. The nipples can also be reduced in size during this process, so that they remain in perfect proportion with the breasts.

Dr. Zochowski has experience performing all of the following surgical techniques:

What Should I Expect During Breast Reduction Recovery?

Breast reduction surgery is a major operation and you’ll need to rest for about seven to ten days, so plan to take this amount of time off of work. Some soreness and swelling is common after having breast reduction surgery, but these symptoms can be managed with prescription painkillers. You should also make sure you have someone around to help you with everyday tasks, so that you don’t risk irritating your incisions by moving around more than is necessary.

Complete recovery from breast reduction surgery usually takes about one month. During this time, you’ll need to avoid strenuous exercise (including lifting heavy objects, children, or pets).

Breast Reduction Cost in Columbus, OH

Breast reduction cost in Columbus, OH, varies in price depending on factors unique to each patient. The cost can range from over $5,000 to $7,500. However, although the final price tag is a crucial consideration for anything you purchase, you should choose a medical professional who is well-trained and has extensive experience with performing the surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeons undergo stringent training requirements and continuing education, and must uphold high ethical standards. 

Schedule Your Breast Reduction Consultation in Ohio

If you’re in the Columbus area and you wish to get rid of unwanted breast volume, please contact our practice for a consultation. Dr. Zochowski will personally guide you through the surgical process, starting with a one-on-one consultation and continuing with thorough follow-up care after your operation. Our goal is to help you feel more comfortable in both mind and body as you pursue your individual dreams and ambitions. We look forward to becoming a valued part of your care team.

Breast Reduction Post-Operation

Most people can resume a normal diet the evening of surgery y. If you feel queasy or nauseated, start with clear liquids or soup. Advance your diet as tolerated to a regular diet. You may experience some constipation as a result of the pain medication. Over the counter laxatives such as Milk of Magnesia or stool softener is recommended. If this is not sufficient, then dulcolax or a suppository may be necessary. This can be purchased over the counter at your pharmacy.

Mild activity is encouraged during the first few post-operative days. Walking short distances is fine, however no lifting, pushing or pulling. Moderate physical exercise can be resumed when recommended by the doctor, usually 3-4 weeks post op. Please refrain from high impact or heavy exercise until released to do so.

Leave all dressings and the surgical bra in place for two days. After 2 days you may remove the gauze and bra for a brief period of time to shower. Following a shower, apply clean gauze to the incisions and put the surgical bra on. The surgical bra should be worn at all times until the doctor advises otherwise.

Any residual surgical soap (yellow) or marker can be gently removed with rubbing alcohol.

Swelling, bruising, redness and of the skin is normal and will resolve over time. Many patients have drainage from the bottom of the breasts were the incisions often come together. This drainage is quite nor mal and may be bloody, yellow or clear in color.

Showers can be taken after two days. Remove the surgical bra and dressings for the shower and replace the bra and clean dressings after drying. If you have drains, please secure the drains to something while in the shower, do not allow the drains to hang.

Pain medication will be prescribed to manage post operative pain. Do not drive until you are no longer taking the narcotics and are free of significant pain. If you do not need prescribed pain medication, Extra Strength Tylenol is an acceptable over-the-counter option.

If there is a problem, please call our office (614) 604-7820. Most issues are easily addressed and do not require significant intervention.

The most common emergencies that might need attention are:

  • Nausea that lasts 4 hours or more and does not respond to medication
  • Bleeding that is persistent and uncontrolled
  • Sudden enlargement and/or pain of one side with bruising
  • High fever lasting more than a few hours and not responding to medication
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain that is considerably worse on one side
  • Leg swelling

If you feel the situation is urgent, call 911 and/or proceed directly to the closest emergency room. Please call us as well.

Follow-up is typically in 7-10 days and should be scheduled by calling our office at (614) 604-7820 if it has not already been arranged.

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